
Thursday, February 22, 2018

Reserved and Preserved...

The Lord has more in mind for you than you have in mind for yourself! You have been reserved and preserved for this time and place. …

The Lord needs you to change the world. As you accept and follow His will for you, you will find yourself accomplishing the impossible!
President Russell M. Nelson 

Brothers and sisters, God has important work for each of us. Speaking to sisters but teaching truths that apply to all, President Spencer W. Kimball taught: “Before we came [to earth, we] were given certain assignments. … While we do not now remember the particulars, this does not alter the glorious reality of what we once agreed to.” What an ennobling truth! Our Heavenly Father has specific and significant things for you and me to accomplish (see Ephesians 2:10). These divine assignments are not reserved for a privileged few but are for all of us—regardless of gender, age, race, nationality, income level, social status, or Church calling. Every one of us has a meaningful role to play in furthering God’s work (see Moses 1:39). Some of us question whether Heavenly Father can use us to make important contributions. But remember, He has always used ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things (see 1 Corinthians 1:27–28; D&C 35:13; 124:1). “[We] are agents,” and “the power is in [us]” to “bring to pass much righteousness” (D&C 58:27–28). By Elder John C. Pingree Jr. 

I know I say this about every talk, but I really, really mean it- this is such a GREAT talk. You MUST read it. Find it here and download the free 4x6 print here. 

And if you like these free prints and uplifting quotes, please follow me along on instagram or facebook! 

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