
Friday, September 27, 2013

How about a Halloween Countdown Printable?

or two?  

I love Halloween!  So- how I would suggest using these countdown freebies- put them in a cute frame and with a dry erase marker, you can write on the glass the number of days left on the pumpkin or the box (depending on which countdown you use). Dry erase markers work great on glass! 

All printables are 8x10.  

Download here

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And a bonus because I have the best fans ever!!! Thank you for following me and your support ;)

One of my fav Halloween sayings:

The witch is in.

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Like me on facebook here.

And if you like these, be sure to visit my etsy shop. I have some Halloween Printables for only $2.00 each!!!
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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

We are all needed....

The Lord did not people the earth with a vibrant orchestra of personalities only to value the piccolos of the world. Every instrument is precious and adds to the complex beauty of the symphony. All of Heavenly Father’s children are different in some degree, yet each has his own beautiful sound that adds depth and richness to the whole.
Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin

{5x7} Download here  and follow me here and here :)

You can see the entire conference talk this quote was taken from here: it's a GREAT one!
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Tuesday, September 10, 2013


The more you trust and rely upon the Spirit, the greater your capacity to create.

You may think you don’t have talents, but that is a false assumption, for we all have talents and gifts, every one of us.  The bounds of creativity extend far beyond the limits of a canvas or a sheet of paper and do not require a brush, a pen, or the keys of a piano. Creation means bringing into existence something that did not exist before—colorful gardens, harmonious homes, family memories, flowing laughter.

What you create doesn’t have to be perfect.  Don’t let fear of failure discourage you. Don’t let the voice of critics paralyze you—whether that voice comes from the outside or the inside.

-Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Download here and here  and follow me here and never miss a freebie :)

What or how do you create???  I'd love to know!

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Friday, September 6, 2013

Let them be little...

I know we as parents hear this a lot, but isn't it the truth: kids grow up so fast. They are only little once.  I don't know about any of you out there, but there sure is a lot of pressure to quickly raise your child infant into a pint size adult and stat!  Don't get me wrong- I look forward to seeing my children be self sufficient and be able to take care of themselves.  I especially appreciate their independence when I am in a rush to get out the door and need them to get dressed and ready so I can get the little other little one ready. But sometimes- like when I am looking back through scrapbooks at baby pictures- I realize just how quickly time has gone by and why oh why is there such a rush to make my children grow up  faster then they have to?  They only get to be little once so this is a reminder for me to be a bit more patient. To tie shoes when they ask me to. To let them play a little longer and be sillier a little more.  Maybe it's a reminder for you too!

Please like me on fb and follow along on google friend connect. I work really hard on each and every one of my freebies and appreciate your support :) Plus- you will be the first to see my designs. Score! Thanks for visiting and have a great day!

{8x10} Download here
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Monday, September 2, 2013

He loves you.

Perhaps you might think that you are overlooked, or unwanted, that you are nobody. Certainly you are not overlooked or unwanted by your Heavenly Father. He loves you!
-Dieter F. Uchtdorf-

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