Our oldest and only son turned 12 yesterday. (I swear he just started kindergarten yesterday! How am I registering him for 7th grade now?! Cue the tears!!)
He is such a great guy and we are so grateful he is ours and for the good choices he is making.
I loved President Monson's talk, A Sacred Trust, from General Conference. It is a great talk for ALL Priesthood and future Priesthood holders. But it's especially great for 12 year olds because it is short, sweet and to the point and full of the Spirit.
I took this quote (pictured above) and designed a print that we could hang up in his room, where he can see it everyday and hopefully always remember who he is and whose he is (because it is so easy to forget).
I've added the digital print to the my etsy shop. Check it out here and get one for the boys in your life!